Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Apologist for Feminism?

Was in PS tut, having a 5min break, then generally chatting abt the topics discussed just now, sovereignty, diplomacy and their actors, then onto conscription aka national service. A few girls determined that their duty is to churn out babies, thus they shudnt do NS. Curious, I proceed further, 'Well dont you want to do anything else than just that? Singlehood is ok, making babies cant be the only thing rite? well in some countries, eg, Germany, you can do NS as a civil servant, other than in the military.' THEY: 'Women are weaker, so we shudnt do army stuff.' Guffaws (ME) : 'Come on, how can you say that? (that women are weak) I mean there are substantial number of women in foreign militaries.' THEY: 'Even the difficult stuff?' ME: Ya full combat roles/ activities.' *Break ends*

Of cus on a sidenote, there is some holding back on the roles of women in the military but its slowly changing...besides support role can be dangerous too.

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